Statement of Intent
What is a statement of purpose?
A statement of purpose is a legally required document that includes a standard set of information about a provider’s service. Statements must describe:
- The provider’s aims and objectives in providing the service.
- Details of the services provided including the service types.
- The health or care needs the service sets out to meet.
- The provider’s and any registered managers’ full name(s), business address(es), telephone number(s) and (where available) email address(es).
- Details about the legal status of the provider (for example, whether they are an individual, company, charity, or partnership).
- All of the locations where regulated activities are actually provided, or where they are provided from (listed as ‘locations’ on your certificate of registration together with any service branches not listed as locations).
Part 1 - Provider’s Name, Legal Status & Address:
Freshford Practice (Partnership)
Freshwell Health Centre
Wethersfield Rd
Essex CM7 4BQ
Telephone: 01371 810328
Names of Partners:
Dr David LT Oliver
Dr Kim E Andrews
Dr Wiiliam Walker
Dr Ruth Stevenson
Part 2 – Aims & Objectives:
We endeavour to provide the best services to our patients as close to the community as possible.
We aim to provide all our patients with excellent access to our service.
By providing good access & excellent diagnostic facilities, we seek to safely minimise the need for our patients to travel elsewhere for their treatment & investigations.
We operate within a confidential and safe environment & involve them in decisions regarding their treatment.
We show our patients courtesy and respect at all times irrespective of ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of the health problem.
We do our best to act as the patients’ advocates, supporting and representing a patient’s best interests to ensure they receive the best and most appropriate health and/or social care.
We aim to prevent disease by promoting good health and well being to our patients through education and information
We work in partnership with other healthcare professionals in the care of our patients to tackle the causes of, as well as provide the treatment for ill health.
We aim to be a learning organisation that continually improves what we are able to offer patients. In particular, we foster continuous improvement by encouraging patient feedback.
We ensure that all members of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently.
We take care of our staff by offering them support to do their jobs and protect them against abuse.
Part 3 – Location, people who use the service, service type & regulated activities
- The Freshford Practice operates from one location only – Freshwell Health Centre, address as above.
- Core users of our service are the whole population that live within our catchment area and are registered with us.
Regulated activities under CQC are:
- Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
- Surgical procedures
- Diagnostic and screening procedures
- Family planning
- Maternity and midwifery services
- GP consultations
- Asthma and Chronic obstructive airways disease clinics
- Coronary heart disease clinics
- Diabetes clinics
- Cervical cytology screening
- Contraceptive services
- Child health surveillance
- Maternity services
- Vaccinations and immunisations
- Childhood vaccinations and immunisations
- Minor surgery & cryotherapy
- Flu immunisation
- Minor injury service
- Ear wax syringing & microsuction
- ECGs (12 lead & ambulatory)
- Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Spirometry (Lung tests)
- End of life care
- Stop smoking support
- Travel advice
- Women’s health
- X-ray
- Ultrasound
- Dexa (bone density) scanning
Part 4 – Registered Manager Details
Dr David LT Oliver is the Senior Partner and is the registered manager for CQC Purposes at Freshwell Health Centre, address as above. The practice manager is David Shedden at the same address.